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       Wednesday - Wednesday nights

       Word of God - Bible Study with a purpose!


Our discipleship study includes a Bible study that helps us learn about and draw close to God.


On occassion we use video based curriculum as part of our study.  The number of classes per topic depend on the topic or book of the Bible we are studying.  Our curriculum often has a book that can be purchased for supplemental learning if you so desire.


Studies are held primarily during the local school year from September thru May excluding January and February.

Sunday School


We have one Adult Sunday School class that meets in the fellowship room at 9:30 AM. 


We also offer a One Room Sunday School class for Children that meets in the room behind the sanctuary. 


Coffee and snacks are often available to enjoy during this time.


We also offer Junior Church for children following Children's Time which is held in the midst of Worship.

Worship/Learning Opportunities



Our worship times are as follows:


Sunday School: 9:30 AM


Family Time: Sundays at 10:30 AM

(This is a time meet, talk and share with others)


Worship: Sundays at 10:45 AM


Junior church meets during the worship hour.


Feel free to dress in whatever makes you comfortable.  

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